Real Bodies. Real Life. RealJoy Yoga

Experience our transformative, beginner-friendly classes for clients with little or even no experience! Learn the foundations of yoga while celebrating the inner journey of self discovery and acceptance at our peaceful studio in the heart of Livonia, MI.

New to us? Try 30 days of unlimited classes for just $75.

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Empowering bodies, uplifting hearts.

Have you ever said to yourself, “I’m too fat for yoga?” or "I'm too old to start?" If so, you belong right here. 

We do things differently. Show up exactly as you are on the mat - no fancy gear required. Let us help you take the first step on that long-overdue journey of self-discovery and acceptance. We’ll help you rewrite your inner narrative and build a positive relationship with your mind and body all while establishing a sustainable movement and self-care practice that will last a lifetime.

We’ll move at your pace – our classes are more than beginner-friendly; they were built FOR the brand newbie and come with a high level of 1:1 attention. Prepare to be seen here. It’s what we do. Our workouts are also work-ins: we’ll teach you to cultivate inner wellness through approachable, modern spiritual insight. No fluff, just grounded inspiration to help you live a healthier, more mindful life. 

Become a part of a community where you can connect with like-minds, find support, and grow with others who are seeking joy through mindful movement. Real bodies. Real life. RealJoy Yoga.

New to us?

Whether you're new to yoga or new to us, you're welcome here. Most clients start with our introductory offer of 30 days for $75, which gives you a chance to try all of our styles and teachers to find your perfect fit.

More joy!

Frequently Asked Questions/Concerns

  • Do I need to bring a mat? There's no need to bring anything. We have mats, blocks, bolsters, and anything you could possibly need available at the studio to borrow. At some point you may decide to get your own mat, but for starters, just use ours.

  • What should I wear? It depends on the class. If you are coming for Flow or Slow Flow, plan to sweat. Wear yoga pants, or something lightweight, comfortable, quick-drying, something that you can move freely in. If you are coming for Healthy Backs or Mellow Mondays, same as above, but you won't be as likely to sweat, so you might want to wear layers. For Yin, you will be seated or laying down on the mat the whole class and you might get chilly so wear layers that will keep you cozy as you relax deeply.

  • What is the temperature of the studio? Is this a hot yoga studio? We do not do hot yoga here. We keep our studio in the mid 70's, around 74 in the winter and 77 in the summer.

  • I'm not very flexible. Can I still do yoga? Yes! We start where we are and we all work with the bodies we bring in with us. There is no perfect version of a pose. Poses look different on every body. We teach to the body not to the pose, so whatever your level of ability or flexibility, you will feel right at home here.

  • I want to try yoga but I am scared to look foolish. I feel that. Seriously. That feeling is the reason I started this studio. So that people would have a place to come and explore their breath and movement in a mirror free, judgement free, expectation free space.

  • What if I come and I feel uncomfortable or need to take a break? When it comes to the physical aspects of yoga, you can always move at your own pace, take breaks anytime you need, or stop and sit or lay on your mat. The reality is that yoga is more than the physical. There is an emotional element to yoga that it's important to be aware of. In the early days of my first teacher training, I used to take child's pose and cry a lot! There was so much emotion that came out when I first started to reconnect with my body. It took time to trust myself and to learn to be embodied. Crying, or feeling other emotions happens when we actively begin to move inward and check in with ourselves. It's a common part of the process. But we start to connect with wonderful feelings, too. Feelings of self-worth and compassion, and a renewed sense of connection to our bodies and to the world around us. You are always welcome on your mat, whether you lay there the whole time, or whether you do slow simple poses at your own pace and completely ignore what others are doing. It's a safe place to begin your healing journey, physical and emotional.

  • I am afraid I will pass gas if I do yoga. I have heard this a lot as a reason people won't try yoga! Look guys, people fart. It's a thing that happens. Nobody cares. All of our teachers are trained to carry on with class without any comment or any acknowledgement if someone farts. And the other students ignore it, too. I have never had a single person ever get called out for farting, even though it happens all the time. It just isn't an issue at all. Really.

Do you have other questions that I haven't addressed? Email me at and I will be glad to answer!

Yours in self-discovery,


Try 30 days of classes for $75

The RealJoy yoga way.

Our classes are different because we're different.

We believe that we all want to feel like our lives have meaning. That we are all looking for connection. That we all have a deep longing to forgive and love ourselves. That we all want inner peace and self-acceptance.

What does yoga have to do with any of that?

In our classes, we learn to show up as we are, to celebrate every small bit of progress, to celebrate the bodies we brought in with us, to become present to the moment, to connect with our breath, to notice the thoughts in our minds that hold us back and to let them pass like clouds.

We learn to come to our mats and show up for ourselves. We learn to lose our balance and laugh about it. We learn to focus on our own process instead of comparing ourselves to others. We learn to quiet our inner anxieties. We learn to commit to a process.

We see nothing but your limitless potential. Allow us to provide you with our unwavering support as you embark on the fulfilling journey through your yoga practice.

Try 30 days of classes for $75

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